Welcome to EP 29 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast, happy Spring and bring on the Carnival of Flowers. This week we celebrate local creatives.
We chat with author Rory Hammersley-Mather about his book, Vlad's Bad Breath, in shops 1 September and artist Alex Stalling one of our favourites , about the Chalk Art in the Botanic gardens during September.
In News of the Week
A shout out to other Podcasters and those who just love listening to podcasts, the 1st of Sept is World Podcast Day.
This week is also Legacy week, so go and buy some GF Oats Anzac biscuits and support a local company who is supporting Legacy.
The council is looking for participants in Creative CBD Toowoomba, a program that sees Local creatives and start-up businesses have an opportunity to trial their ideas in brick-and-mortar locations, further refining their business offerings and model before taking on the risk of a commercial space.
Now for those with kids who would love a copy of Vlad's Bad Breath Rory is giving 4 away, as part of a colouring in competition, see the show notes, our website or watch for the Facebook post with the colouring sheets.
Wednesday the 2nd
First Wednesday of the month sees Canvas Coworking Wordpress meet up from 6pm
Friday the 4th
Sees the Eat Digital Crew host a Zoom - How to create Social content with CANVA.6 - 8pm
Saturday the 5th
Vlad's Bad Breath Book Launch will be held at the Walton's Store 10-11:15 and then 11:30-12:30
Sunday the 6th
Fathers Day at the Museum, at Cobb n Co.
See all the individual FB Events for more details about all these events
Please support our local markets
And on Sunday